A headshot image of Eetu Kivioja

Eetu Kivioja

Fire Safety Engineer

Areas of Expertise

Fire Safety Engineering


Eetu has been working as a fire safety engineer since 2020. Prior to working as a fire safety engineer, Eetu worked as a fire inspector for 4 years, almost all of which at Länsi-Uusimaa Rescue Department. There he was in charge of construction and land use planning in the Espoo area and was a member of the Espoo Building Control Technical Committee. Eetu has worked with residential apartment buildings, as well as schools and workplaces, and production, and warehouse buildings.

Eetu on toiminut paloturvallisuussuunnittelijana vuodesta 2020. Ennen paloturvallisuussuunnittelijaksi siirtymistä Eetu työskenteli palotarkastajana 4 vuotta, joista lähes kaikki Länsi-Uudenmaan Pelastuslaitoksella. Eetun vastuisiin kuului rakentamisen ja maankäytön suunnittelun ohjausta Espoon alueella ja hän toimi Espoon rakennusvalvonnan teknisen toimikunnan jäsenenä. Eetu on suunnitellut asuinkerrostaloja, sekä koulu- ja työpaikka-, että tuotanto- ja varastorakennuksia.

Eetu has been working as a fire safety engineer since 2020. Prior to working as a fire safety engineer, Eetu worked as a fire inspector for 4 years, almost all of which at Länsi-Uusimaa Rescue Department. There he was in charge of construction and land use planning in the Espoo area and was a member of the Espoo Building Control Technical Committee. Eetu has worked with residential apartment buildings, as well as schools and workplaces, and production, and warehouse buildings.

Education / Certifications
  • B.Eng, Fire Officer, Savonia UAS, Emergency Services College
  • FISE Designer of Fire Safety (Class V)