Risk Assessment + Business Recovery
All organizations face unforeseeable threats that can severely disrupt business continuity and interfere with normal operations. Identifying and assessing risk exposure with a thorough risk assessment can help avert these threats, protect against significant financial, legal, and regulatory problems, and create an overall safer working environment. As an industry-leader with over 30 years of experience in risk mitigation, we use our distinctive scientific and engineering approach to help companies evaluate potential risk, prevent loss, and develop strategies for risk mitigation and business recovery.

Using simulation models and testing, our fire safety experts can assist in carrying out a thorough risk analysis to identify potential vulnerabilities and evaluate the effectiveness of proposed fire protection systems. This includes a complete analysis of buildings, processes, and materials and their impact on fires and explosions in all aspects, including product toxicity and combustion. We are also able to evaluate risk exposure to natural events (e.g., earthquakes) from a property conservation perspective.

Loss control involves identifying potential risks and existing safety, financial and legal threats while also determining proactive measures that will reduce the frequency and severity of losses. Following a thorough inspection, our team can perform a risk evaluation of a facility in accordance with international codes and standards. We provide recommendations for possible upgrades that will help prevent losses from accident, injury, or property damage and can assist with implementation of these upgrades.

Risk assessments often use metrics to grade, evaluate, and order risks for better decision-making and prioritization of actions. A risk grading system can be specifically employed to establish criteria for both performance improvement and insurance cost-sharing. Our team can help establish dynamic key performance indicators (KPI) – such as maximum loss value and insurance cost variation - to evaluate the correctness of risk grading as well as the adequacy of a loss prevention program. We provide comparisons between KPIs and actual quantitative outcomes to help provide a measure of risk reduction.

Being able to quickly restore operations after an adverse event can help minimize financial loss and ensure business survival. Our team can assist in the creation of effective business continuity plans that reduce the impact of business interruption. Data collected from a thorough business impact analysis can help evaluate potential threats to operations (e.g., financial, life/safety, regulatory) and predict the consequences of disruptions to business processes and systems. From this, we can assist in the development of practical business recovery strategies in case of emergency.
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