Accessibility is impacted by overlapping laws, codes, standards, and initiatives which can make it more challenging than other aspects of the developing environment. Our team of experts can help navigate overlaps between the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), International Building Code (IBC), and local or campus amendments to find the best solutions for your projects. We also support the removal of additional access barriers by advocating for universal design opportunities to improve the overall experiences of the community and individual end users.

Accessibility for Design + Construction

We provide expertise from design to construction. Our experts anticipate problems and offer solutions during feasibility, master planning, and concept phases. We also help determine scope and note areas of concern in the design phase or during drawing review. During construction, we provide guidance for design details and coordinate implementation. Our team is also available for on-site reviews and observations of existing or recently constructed sites to recommend improvements.

Accessibility for Existing + Historical Sites

Historical sites and existing facilities fall under a different standard of care and regulatory oversight than new construction. Full assessments of existing buildings and sites should be done to evaluate deficiencies and opportunities for designers and owners, including considerations for cost and community impacts during renovations. Whether updating a building, performing a self-evaluation, or implementing barrier removal projects or a transition plan, we help you reach your project goals.

Wheelchair-bound college student is helped down the ramp by a friend or volunteer.

Universal Design Consulting

Universal Design (UD) provides the greatest amount of access and dignity to the greatest number of users. Our international UD experts convey current best practices from around the world, including the US, Canada, England, and Australia. Also pulling from community-specific frameworks such as DeafSpace, ASPECTSS (autism spectrum), Trauma Informed Design (TID), and Aging-in-place, we provide practical design guidance and suggestions for any phase from master programming to existing buildings.

Specialty Accessibility Consulting

Our team also works with owners, developers, facility managers, education campuses, government and transportation authorities, not-for-profits, and private businesses to meet more specific guidelines and criteria. We work with these various entities or their external teams on a wide range of accessibility and inclusive design strategies. This can include training, community engagement support, development of standards, peer reviews, product reviews, and litigation support.

Accessibility Consulting + Universal Design Experts

Ashley Pitts

Senior Accessibility Consultant

M.S., Architecture, B.EnvD, Registered Architect: CO, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), California Certified Accessibility Specialist, No. CASp-676

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Joshua Klyber

Associate Principal Of Accessibility + Universal Design

BS, Physics and Mathematics, Sustainable Building Advisorship Program, Sustainability Consultation, Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS), APA Certified-Built Environment, Accessibility Inspector / Plans Examiner, Associate Member (APA)

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Nick Morris

Technical Principal, Accessibility + Universal Design

Medal of the Order of Australia, Diploma of Access Consulting, Accessiblity and Universal Design, Accredited Access Consultant, Cert 4, Workplace Training and Asessment, Diploma, Health and Physical Education/Fitness, B.A., Science, Human Movement

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How We've Protected Your World

The Case for Universal Design

Universal design considers people's diverse needs, helping to create inclusive spaces that benefit everyone.

The Case for Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Electric vehicle charging stations (ECVS) must be designed with accessibility in mind.

Brief Guidelines for Sensory Rooms

Thoughtfully-designed sensory rooms can benefit individuals across multiple cognitive spectrums, drastically improving the experience for every user of the space.