The San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in Southern California shot from an altitude of about 1500 feet.
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Safety is the Only Outcome

Where nuclear safety is concerned, there is no room for error. With continued global initiatives moving to clean, reliable and affordable energy, the nuclear industry is focused on new designs and upgrades that increase reliability and maintain safety while eliminating unnecessary costs.

Facility owners/operators rely on us to provide risk analysis expertise that will improve production without compromising protection. In order to do this and understand the latest developments in the field, we stay actively involved with industry policy and research. This allows us to offer a range of solutions using risk-informed decision-making, experienced-based engineering and innovative software solutions. We have provided these services for more than 100 nuclear facilities, including the entire U.S. nuclear fleet as well as plants in Canada, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Our team of experts are ready to help you

Meet the Experts

Helping the Nuclear Industry Manage Risk

For more than 40 years, we have pioneered the risk-informed engineering processes used by the nuclear industry. We provide all aspects of risk technology — from accident scenarios and generation risk to radiological release — for both internal and external hazard conditions. Starting in the early 1970s with the first comprehensive nuclear power plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), our staff members established and have maintained a dominant role in the use of risk and reliability techniques to enhance the safety and operational performance of complex facilities including nuclear power plants, chemical process facilities and hazardous material storage facilities.

Leaders in the Industry

Over the past three decades our engineers have contributed to research and development as principal and contributing authors to over 120 publications including the International Atomic Energy Agency, Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), Nuclear Energy Agency, BWR Owners Group (BWROG), PWR Owners Group (PWROG), CANDU Owners Group, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.

Our Clients Include
  • Current Generation Nuclear Power Plants
  • Evolutionary and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants
  • Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations
  • Uranium Enrichment Facilities
  • Fuel Fabrication Facilities
  • Geological Repositories
  • Nuclear Waste Processing Facilities
  • Defense Nuclear Facilities
  • Nuclear Reactor Vendors

Featured Work


Technological nuclear object on high tech blue background

DataAdvisr™ AI-Powered Process Improvement Solution

Reduce manual review and classification of condition reports (CRs) in real-world applications by up to 80%, as proven at several nuclear power stations.

RiskAdvisr™ Fire Protection Risk Analysis

Stay in compliance in highly regulated industries like nuclear power with a single-source solution for safe shutdown, system tracking, probabilistic risk assessments and more.

We partner with you to solve complex challenges throughout the project lifecycle

While many of our services and solutions are utilized across various markets and applications, dozens of others are highly specialized and unique to one industry or another. From aviation, power and healthcare to nuclear energy, insurance and manufacturing, our team of engineers and consultants includes the most experienced industry experts from around the world.

  • Built Environment + Resiliency
  • Code Consulting + Fire Engineering
  • Emerging Hazards
  • Energy + Utilities
  • Emergency Management + Response
  • Security Risk + Public Safety
  • Forensics


Davide Mercurio

Regional Director, Energy + Utilities

Helsinki - Finland

PhD in Mechanical and Process Engineering, Master of Business Administration (MBA), MS in Nuclear Engineering, BS in Nuclear Engineering

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PhD, Nuclear Materials, MSc, Chemical and Process Engineering, ERASMUS student, Nuclear Engineering & Nuclear Chemistry, BSc, Process and Materials Engineering

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Timothy Adams

Senior Engineer + Manager


MS, Mechanical Engineering, BS, Mechanical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, Life Member and Fellow, Member, Member

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Bruce Campbell

Vice President, DOE Market Leader


BS, Fire Protection/Industrial Safety, Certified Fire Suppression System Inspector, DOE "Q" Security Clearance, e-RAILSAFE Security Clearance, HAZWOPER, 24 hour, Radiological Worker I (INL) and II (Hanford), 10-hour OSHA Card, NRC U Security Clearance

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, B.S., Electrical Engineering

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Chloe Howard

Nuclear Engineer

Glasgow - Scotland

MEng, Chemical Engineering First Class, Associate Member, General Certificate, Project Fundamentals Qualification (PFQ)

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Franscisco Joglar

Manager, Fire Risk Assessment


PhD, Reliability Engineering, M.S., Fire Protection Engineering, BS, Industrial Engineering, Licensed PE: VA

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Hunter Young

Senior Structural Engineer + Practice Leader for Energy + Utilities


BS, Civil Engineering, ME, Civil + Environmental Engineering

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Our Office Locations

With offices around the world and team members on the ground in key regions, our global reach and vital in-country expertise enable us to deliver solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients and the communities we serve.

Our Offices
The San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in Southern California shot from an altitude of about 1500 feet.

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Partner with us and imagine what we can achieve together!